Monday 24 May 2010


On the concept of the D.I.Y project, looking into light and dark and spatial awareness I decided to just purely cover an A2 piece of granulated paper in pure charcoal. I do feel it's important through out any project or process of work to simply get what ever is in your mind out on paper and out of your system. No matter how daft or pointless the task at hand seems. The process of drawing this image lead me to the idea of depth within darkness. To close your eyes puts you automatically into a granulated texture of darkness with specks of light, these fractions of light playing with your mind and thought.
The image below has an inlay of a box using simple perspective and different levels of darkness to try to achieve depth, hopefully through almost the same shade to create the illusion of just a plain sheet of black paper. However as a first trial the lines between shades are too prominent. 


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